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NAFA Board Member Application – 2024

Nominations are now open for the NAFA Board of Directors. This call for candidates is one of the most important things we do as an organization, as the individual leadership of our Board ensures the continued success of NAFA as an organization.

Recently, NAFA’s Board of Directors approved a new strategic plan. In the coming year, the Board will play a vital role in helping to ensure it is being implemented, and also to help address new trends, challenges and priorities as they arise.

As an organization, it is important than any individual willing to serve on the NAFA Board of Directors meets these seven key attributes:

  • The ability to think strategically and analytically
  • Ability to be open, hear and value all perspectives
  • Possession of earned respect of key stakeholders
  • Ability to work well with others as a member of a collaborative group with group decision-making authority and an understanding of the fiduciary duties of loyalty, care and obedience.
  • Demonstrated understanding of the differences between “oversight” and “supervision”
  • Earned reputation for emotional maturity, personal integrity and honesty
  • Demonstrated familiarity with NAFA related to both the process for which the group is responsible and the content of the subject area within which decisions and choices are made

As you complete the nomination form, keep these key attributes in mind and, within your responses, do your best to illustrate how you will show these attributes in your time on the Board.

All submissions are due by October 1, 2024.

Thank you for your consideration and willingness to serve on the NAFA Board of Directors.


NAFA Board Member Application 2024

NAFA Board Member Application 2024

Role in Fleet
Does your organization support your volunteerism and time commitment to the NAFA Board?

In the following questions, please describe how your values align with each of NAFA's organizational core values of Excellence, Diversity, Integrity, and Professionalism

In the following questions, please describe how your experience and skillset can impact NAFA in these areas of our current strategic plan: Establish NAFA as the Thought Leader in the Industry; Strengthen Member Value and Engagement; Strengthen NAFA’s Advocacy Efforts.

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Please mark the box to acknowledge your acceptance of the statements above to be true and accurate.